Saturday, August 14, 2021

RPG a Day 2021: Day 10 - Advantage

 Only two days away from being caught up! These next few #RPGaDay2021 posts are a bit short, but it's what happens when you're just trying to get through the challenge. I promise more quality content will be coming after this weekend. Not to say that there's nothing worthwhile in these, just that I'm currently focused on getting it done, not on getting a lot done. As I've learned, if I don't get my writing groove going, it won't matter if it's a great idea, it won't happen in the first place. 

Day 10 - Advantage: Advantage is probably my favorite concept when it comes to gameplay mechanics. Everyone can benefit from it, it can be granted by other players, and it can be utilized in nearly every kind of situation or even game system. The same can be applied to disadvantage, and in both cases, they represent a game mechanic that truly represents the moment in the story. And best of all it’s simple to implement! Roll two take the best. That’s it.

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