Sunday, August 15, 2021

RPG a Day 2021 - Day 14: Limits

Limits can be a tricky thing to handle without your players feeling like you've handcuffed them. That's the topic I went with for this #RPGaDay2021 entry.

Day 14 - Limits: Limits are something that needs to be considered very carefully. For some groups, limiting the types of classes, races, or other features can stifle their enjoyment of the game. However, for other groups, limiting options can force them to exercise their creativity in other realms. It can also help to place limits when dealing with overpowered characters, items, spells, etc. The classic example of this tends to be Jedi in Star Wars games. How do you keep the game balanced when you’re dealing with such strong characters? Setting up the game world and conferencing with your players beforehand can help keep the limitations from feeling like you handcuffing them. If you explain that you’re doing an underworld campaign where the characters will be working for the Hutt Cartel, it won’t feel like they're not allowed to play a Jedi so much as it’s not the right kind of game for a Jedi.

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