Monday, August 30, 2021

RPG a Day 2021 - Day 23: Memory

 So, with just today and tomorrow left, I'm not going to make it through all of the posts this year. But this is probably the furthest I've made it in years. Trying to get a post done every day has been rough. Plus, the start of the school year has been rough, and really kicked my butt. I think things are going to be settling down now soon, and I hope to be able to get at least one post a week up here, but my goal will be to post at least every other week. I'll be starting with going back to my Stephen King journey and my review of Stephen King's books in publication order. But I'll also be working on some other items as well. We'll see what strikes me as what to put out there. Eventually, I find my niche and rhythm. I'll be spending September working on some of that. Come October though, I'll be diving into the 31 Days of Halloween movie challenge, which I'm very excited for this year. Without further ado, here is my (probably) final post for this year's #RPGaDay2021.

Day 23 -  Memory: A little pro-tip when it comes to game sessions: Do NOT rely on your memory. Take notes. Take lots of notes. As both the Game Master and the Player. Take notes! It will make things way easier on everyone if you don’t have to sit around waiting for people to try to remember a particular detail related to the game. For that matter, write down page numbers and books for things like spells and abilities so that you don’t have to pause gameplay to scour for the mechanics on what exactly that thing you just did does. With today’s technology, there are some really great options that make it very easy to record, organize, and even review notes before or during gameplay.

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31 Days of Halloween October Horror Movie Challenge - Day 26: Altitude (2010)

  Day 26 - Altitude (2010)  Platform: Borrowed from OverDrive. Quote: “We’ve been going down for twenty minutes. Tell me you’re not thinking...