Final post for today's #RPGaDay2021. This is one of my favorite D&D experiences, and I plan to work the scene into a novel that I've been working on.
Day 3 - Tactic: My favorite tactic to this day that I’ve actually used, would be Halfling Desk Drawer Bobsledding. Long story short, I had a thief who was terrible at his job. The party got thrown in jail, and the only good thief roll he ever got was to palm a fork after dinner. The party came up with a plan in which my halfling would use the fork to backstab the guard after the others distracted him, steal the keys, and then they’d make a run for it. Well, it turned out that a fork was not enough to finish off a guard in a single backstab, and the rest of the guards in the tower were alerted to our breakout. To buy the rest of the party time, my halfling rogue, and his cleric cousin grab a couple of short swords, yank a drawer out of the desk, place it at the top of the tower stairs, hop in, brace the swords with their feet, and the half-orc gives them a shove down the stairs. The guards who were coming up to investigate were intercepted by the kamikaze halflings as they came flying down the stairs, swords at the ready. The halflings nearly died in the attempt, but the tactic was successful in giving our party the time they needed to escape.
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