Day 19 - Storm: One of my favorite things about the 3rd/3.5 edition of D&D was the addition of prestige classes. They released a series of supplements that looked at specific groups of classes and built out all kinds of information for them, including lots of different prestige class options. My favorite of these was the Masters of the Wild book. Not only did you get three classes represented there: Barbarian, Druid, and Ranger, but these were also my three favorite classes. My favorite class of all is the Ranger. This probably goes back to my very first time reading a fantasy series and being introduced to Strider in The Fellowship of the Ring. How does any of this relate to today’s topic of storm? One of the prestige classes was called Tempest. Tempest/storm? Get it? Ok, moving on. I loved this prestige class because it turned your character into a whirlwind of two-weapon fighting, which is my favorite build for a character. You got two hands, why not hold two swords? Or two axes if you have the arms for it? Nothing incredibly flashy as far as abilities, spells, or other strange powers go. Just straight up devastation with increased bonuses to hit and AC, and gaining extra attacks.

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