Thursday, August 26, 2021

RPG a Day 2021 - Day 20: Ally

Day 20 - Ally: Here’s an ally for you to include in your games. He’s an NPC that I developed as a tracker for a group that found themselves in need of a guide. He became one of my favorite NPC’s and has shown up in several campaigns that I’ve run. I haven’t created him using 5e rules until now. One Day, I’d like to create him from level one and play out his origins.


Alignment: CG Class: Ranger Level: 10

Str: 18 (+4) Int: 11 Wis:16 (+3) Dex:16 (+3) Con: 16 (+3) Chr: 10

AC: 17 (18 while dual-wielding) Move: 25’ Hit Dice: 10d10 (109 HP)

Attack Bonus: +10; Axe of Retribution +10/1d8+6/Slash; Defender Axe +10/1d8+6/Slash; Handaxe +8/1d6+4/Slash/Thrown

Saves: Str and Dex

Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Orc, Gnoll, Giant

Age: 75 Gender: M Height: Weight: 4’7” Hair: Auburn Eyes: Green

Abilities: Darkvision 60’; Dwarven Resilience; Dwarven Toughness; Favored Enemy: Gnolls, Orcs, Giants; Natural Explorer: Mountain, Forest, Arctic; Fighting Style: 2-Weapon Fighting; Spell Casting; Extra Attack; Dual Wield; Stone Cunning; Horde Breaker; Primeval Awareness; Landstride; Hide in Plain Sight

Skills: Investigation (+4); Nature (+4); Survival (+7); Brewer’s Supplies

Starting Gear: 

Onyx Dog - Wolfhound

Axe of Retribution +2 - Gain +2 to hit and damage with attacks from this weapon. In addition to your normal reaction, gain one additional reaction each round to activate the following ability: when a melee attack that would target you misses, make an immediate attack on the creature that attacked you. 

Defender Axe +2 - At the start of your turn decide whether the weapon's bonus will be used to increase AC or to increase hit and damage. The bonus applies until the start of your next turn. 

Mythril Scale Mail +1

Brewing Kit

Hand Axe x 3

Spells: Spell save 17 (Attack +7)

1st level (4 slots) - Hunter’s Mark, Longstrider, Ensnaring Strike; 2nd level (3 slots) - Pass without Trace, Beast Sense; 3rd Level (2 slots) - Conjur Barrage


After a massive storm left his people reeling, Grizzlebeard became a local hero by foraging and hunting for food while keeping the encroaching bands of orcs and gnolls away from the recovering community. Once the community was back on its feet and no longer needed his help, Grizzlebeard took to the woods and looked for any way that he could help those in need. 

He loves to tell stories of his adventures. He took to weaving trophies from his adventures into this beard and hair. Every piece has a story, and he will gladly launch into highly embellished versions at the slightest interest shown in one of his trophies. 

He's an excellent track and fighter, and willing to lend a hand to anyone who is fighting for a good cause. His magical Wolfhound, Finn, is almost always by his side unless he is recovering from battle. In which case, as soon as the 7 days are up, Grizzlebeard summons him again.

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